In the Ancient Greece the fig tree was sacred. Homer, talking about Odyssey, says that when he wanted to persuade his father, Laertis, that he was his son, he reminded him that he had received a gift with forty figs. The name of the tree comes from Titan Sikiea, whose mother Earth transformed him in a tree to save him from Jupiter’s anger. Furthermore, the first fig tree has germinated in Athens, after Dimitra’s command, the goodness of agriculture.
From the word fig, came up the word “Sikophantis” (sukophant). The meaning of the word is located in the Ancient Athens were the fig’s export was prohibited and whoever complained someone doing this, was paid and called Sikophantis. After a few years, this word took a negative meaning, because Greeks use it to blame whoever is lying.
Today, we know that the oldest figs was found in Minoan Crete, in a villa at Chania. It’s remarkable the fact that the figs has dried before they get burned so until now they provide us the way of drying out in Minoan Crete.
Figs are full of vitamins, carbohydrates, natural sugar, phenols and dietary fibers. 2% of its whole weight is composed of calcium, a metal which is the basic teeth and bone ingredient and helps to blood clotting. Potassium is another metal which is included in figs and helps at blood pressure. Other metals like ferrum, phosphorus, sodium and spelter are in fewer quantities.
The fig vitamins are mostly vitamin K which helps to blood clotting, vitamin A, vitamin C and B6. The last is the most important for the skin and nervous system.
Lastly, dietary fibers are helpful enough for diets and weight loss. They have the ability to reduce the digestion of carbohydrates and generally they are helping to stay the glucose stable.
Dried figs are full of vitamin B1, B and metals like calcium, phosphorus, potassium and magnesium.

In Greece there are a lot of arable lands in mountainous areas. They produce the following varieties:
- Vasiliki Mauri
- Mauri Votanikou
- Kalamon
- Kimis
- Prasinosikia Lesvou
- Livano
- Phrakasana
- Vasiliki Leuki